First my camera was stolen. Then it was broken. Now it's broken again. I have no luck at all with cameras. Luckily, I managed to borrow my Dad's camera to take away with me and stick my memory card in.
Chicken, pepper and spinach pizza. |
Pints of local beer and cider outside a pub, writing postcards. |
Sausages from the butcher next door, eggs bought from a stall at the side of the road and sourdough and blue cheese stuffed mushrooms. |
Bouillabaise. |
In the oven:
Flourless Chocolate Brownie Cookies. They got mixed reviews so I cut the recipe down to 1/3, but they're flourless and use egg whites instead of the whole egg. Tons of sugar though.
Edited to add: I think I overmixed them - they've puffed up like meringues! Fail.
Edited again to add: That is the sugariest, most horrible mess I have ever made. My teeth hurt and they're in the bin.
that pizza looks absolutely delicious!yummm x